From Our Staff: 11 Bad Gifts Ideas for April Birthdays

1. The Lincoln Lilac Steel Casket with Pink Velvet Interior
$1,299  • Overnight Caskets  •  See it
2. Another Smooth Jazz Hits Album
$10.80  •  Various Artists  •  See it
3. This Creepy Bunny Costume
$69.99  •  •  See it
4. A Big Box of Bees
$180  •  Bee Friends Farm  •  See it
5. Your Own Name, Tattooed on their Lower Back
Price varies  •  Consult your local tattoo parlor 
6. Hammer Pants
$29.86  •  Amazon  •  See it
7. Unlimited Access to C-SPAN
Free  •  Apple App Store  •  See it
8. A Star that is Named After Yourself
Starting at 34.99  •  StarRegister  •  See it
10. The Encyclopedia Britannica - 2007 Edition (32 Volume Set)
$2,395.51  •  Abe Books  •  See it
11. Bronze Moose Life-size Sculpture
$15,500  •  Majestic Fountains & More  •  See it